A Beginner’s Guide to Pedometers
At Heart Rate Monitors USA, pedometers are a popular item, but for most people, using a pedometer can be a new concept. If you're a beginner who is interested in purchasing a pedometer for a walking program or fitness plan, be sure to read on to learn the basics on choosing and using pedometers.
Before You Buy a Pedometer
Pedometers are great fitness tools – but they don’t do much of anything if you're not planning on using them. Before you decide to buy a pedometer, make sure that you have an idea of what you'd like to do in terms of fitness. Are you joining a walking plan at work? Are you looking to lose weight? Are you curious about the distances you're walking every day? Knowing what you want out of the exercises you'll be doing can help you find a pedometer that's right for you.
Pedometer Features
Basically, a pedometer will offer two important features: a screen with a count of your steps and a reset button to begin the count again, but as you get into more advanced models, you may find additional features that can help you achieve your fitness goals. Some pedometers, like our DMC-03 Pedometer, include stats like steps, distance, present stride, calories, and even an indicator for low batteries. Depending on your needs, you can choose the more basic or more advanced model. It's all up to you. (But in our opinion, if you want an accurate reading or more important fitness information, don't be afraid to upgrade to a slightly more advanced model!)When shopping for pedometers, you'll want to consider three basic things:
1.Price 2.Performance 3.Personal preference
Price is pretty obvious; you want to choose something that's going to fit within your budget. Luckily, most pedometers are incredibly affordable. As for performance, you need to choose a pedometer that can keep up with you and your fitness needs. Select a model that has essential features that you know you'll use. Finally, for personal preference, be sure to check out pedometers that come in a variety of colors and choose one that you'll enjoy wearing. It's pretty simple once you get started!
Check out our highest rated pedometer
Pedometers are best worn on your waist band or on a pedometer safety leash. Either way, you'll still get the measurement you need without compromising your comfort level. Try not to remove the unit from the waistband to check the number while you're walking (it can throw off your count) and make sure that the clip is securely fastened. From there, all that's left to do is start walking!